Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shades Of Gray

Wet Granite

Waking up to rain, fog and gray sky is part of being in Greenland. Clear, bright sunny days are few and far between. This morning the sound of the raindrops hitting the deck meant that the long exploratory hike we had planned would need to be rescheduled. On days like this, it is easy to come into the pilothouse and only see gray and give in to the overwhelming desire to go back to bed. If we did this, our time in Greenland would pass by in a blur during brief breaks in hibernation.

Taking another look, it becomes easier to see the shades within the gray. The sky's lack of texture as it stagnantly sits above us, helps its tone of gray to border white. Closer to the water, the granite takes on a range of shades including charcoal gray. Keep looking at the granite and gray gives way to areas of pink in the rock and the green of the grass. Suddenly bed is no longer the favored option and looking at the numerous miniature raging waterfalls that have been created by the rain seems much more exciting.

After taking in our surroundings, there is never a shortage of tasks on Snow Dragon. Sometimes we can get away with curling up with a good book but generally our spare time on board is spent crossing off items from our never ending list. This morning we pulled in an extended weather forecast on the SSB to try to get a handle of the big picture. Our time in Greenland is rapidly coming to an end and we need to find a good crossing window to the Azores before the end of August. Ideally no later than the 24th, to avoid being caught in the strong gales that intensify in September.

Whether or not we go ashore today will be our decision. Aqigssiat has proven to be an excellent anchorage in easterly quadrant winds and there is no swell preventing us from leaving Snow Dragon. The slippery, steep rock will curtail much more than a leg stretch but a short walk will probably still be worth the effort. For now the rain persists and boat tasks have been temporarily been put aside for more creative pursuits.

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